The upcoming November, 2019 election represents a historic opportunity for Texans to secure funds for wild places.
Outdoorsmen and women can talk all they want about conservation and protecting our heritage, but when you have tangible ways of making a difference, the opportunities speak for themselves.
That’s why it’s worth paying attention to the upcoming November 5, 2019 election in Texas, where voters have a chance to ensure funds pulled from the Sporting Goods Sales Tax go towards support of state parks and historic sites.
Proposition 5 introduces an Amendment to the Texas Constitution that addresses the need for a continual stream of resources, but doesn’t require any new taxes or fees. The idea is to preserve the very things we appreciate about the state.
It’s about having more places to fish, with water qualities high enough to support populations. It’s about protecting and improving space for wildlife to thrive. It’s about giving kids more places to camp and hike.
The Texas Coalition for State Parks has been pushing for the approval of Prop 5, and has created a web resource with more info, including this video.
Basically, this is a chance for Texans to put their votes where their intentions are. If Texas’ natural areas are important to you, here’s something you can do.
It’s rare that we let politics creep into the things we cover, but this is a no-brainer that the audience in Texas should at least read up on.
Residents have a voter registration deadline of Monday, October 7, 2019, and early voting starts on Monday, October 21, 2019, and runs through Friday, November 1, 2019. The general election day is on November 5, 2019.
The proposition is officially called Texas Proposition 5, Sales Tax on Sporting Goods Dedicated to Parks, Wildlife, and Historical Agencies Amendment (2019). Should it fail to pass, the Texas legislature will be allowed to decide how much of the revenue from the sales tax on sporting goods is allocated to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Historical Commission.
Deciding to vote and determining which way you’ll swing on Prop. 5 is entirely up to you. A Constitutional Amendment that would change a current law isn’t something to be taken lightly. Just know that the wild places of Texas depend on Texas voters educating themselves and taking action on ballot measures where it’s necessary.
The post Texans Can Keep State Parks Funded Without New Taxes, Here's How appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.