Movies That Showcase The Outdoors That Every Outdoorsman Should See
Navy SEAL Jocko Willink Shares More Thoughts on Hollywood Portrayals of Combat Scenes

Jocko Willink breaks down more war scenes from famous movies. There is no shortage of war movies out there and unsurprisingly, filmmakers do not always get all the details of what combat is like correctly. Any veterans reading this already know that, but for the rest of us, it can be eye-opening to find out
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Steven Rinella Points Out the Flaws in More Terrible Hunting Scenes in Movies

Steven Rinella points out more glaring hunting flaws in movies. Hunting is firmly engrained into our society and as a result, it often pops up in movies and TV. The problem? Most filmmakers are not nearly familiar enough with hunting and it is blatantly obvious to those of us who have been hunting our whole
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Steven Rinella Points Out All the Flaws in Famous Hunting Scenes in Movies

Watch Steven Rinella break down some famous hunting scenes from movies. As a lover of both hunting and film, it can be a bit frustrating to watch hunting in movies. I’ve touched upon this subject before on how filmmakers tend to over-simplify hunting or go with cheesy clichés. If you haven’t seen it before, GQ
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Steven Rinella’s New Documentary ‘Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story’ Drops Trailer

“Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story” brings Steven Rinella’s sportsman narrative to the big screen. Steven Rinella has a new documentary coming out, and the trailer looks like it will live up to the quality of his portfolio. In conjunction with Zero Point Zero films, the face and founder of MeatEater, Inc. created “Stars
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Final Stop of the YETI Tundra Tour to Hit Austin

YETI’s hometown of Austin, Texas will host the culmination of The Tundra Tour, a multi-stop film tour and interactive event recognizing a decade of killer coolers. It’s been ten years since the iconic YETI Tundra hit the market, and to celebrate, YETI’s put on a unique and engaging showcase of the best films the company
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Top 10 Movies About Camping

With high summer temperatures, pitching a tent may seem less appealing then, say, staying inside and making a fort of couch pillows. If you want to keep the outdoor spirit alive, but still enjoy the comfort of the indoors, these 10 camping movies may make for a good compromise. Maybe you’ll even pick up a
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Why Jaws is the Greatest Fishing Movie Ever Made

Here is why Jaws is the best fishing movie ever made. There have been plenty of good movies over the years that were either about fishing or had fishing as a central plot item. “Grumpy Old Men,” “The Old Man and the Sea” and “A River Runs Through It” are all fantastic fishing films with
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Place of Peace: A Soldier Finds Tranquility in Bowhunting

“I’ve used the tools of war for so long, I needed something else, something different. And that was what the bow was for me.” In a short film brought to us from SITKA Gear and produced by Brad Christian, we find a story that just reaches out and touches us deeper than anything else before.
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Sundance Film “Wind River” Brings Predator Hunting to the Big Screen

Looks like predator hunting is going to get some TV time. There seems to be a film or movie about everything these days. Well, now add predator hunting to the list. Wind River is playing in select theaters now. With big names such as Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen, this film is sure to be
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Trophy, a New Hunting Film, Examines the Complexity of It All

A new film focuses on the issues involving hunting, conservation, and the loss of endangered species. Shaul Schwarz’s and Christina Clusiau’s Trophy explores the complex heart of contemporary issues of wildlife hunting, conservation, and commodification at a time when threatened African species such as elephants, rhinos and lions march ever closer to extinction. This provocative documentary
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