Crossbow First Deer

There’s nothing quite like the rush of harvesting your first deer. From the moment you realize you made the shot to the moment you first walk up on the downed animal, it’s a memory that’s usually burned into a hunter’s mind forever. It’s even better when you can make that memory with your family. Young hunter Zeke Bergo has just that chance in this excellent video. He’s out for his first hunt ever and using a crossbow. The young hunter must show some patience waiting for the right shot opportunity on a massive velvet buck.

Eventually, the other animals near the deer clear out and the buck gives Zeke the shot opportunity he’s been waiting for. After a perfect heart shot, the buck barely makes it out of the field of view. The young man’s reaction is perfectly understandable by anyone who remembers that moment when they realize they just downed their first deer. The enthusiasm is infectious!

It’s videos with reactions like this that give us hope for hunting’s future. The number of hunters may be dropping, but there’s still that enthusiasm from those who do participate. We imagine young Zeke is probably hooked for life after that experience. And that’s a heck of a first buck, one that any hunter would be proud to harvest!

It’s obvious from the camera shot of the deer in the woods that the adults saw the buck went down almost immediately. However, they didn’t say anything and let Zeke blood trail the deer himself a little. That’s a good tip for anyone hunting with a youngster this fall. If you can get them some blood trailing experience after the shot, do it, even if it’s the world’s shortest trail. Those types of skills come in handy later in life. Congrats to Zeke on his first buck. Good luck topping that one next year!


The post Kid's Reaction to Harvesting First Buck is Priceless appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.

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