This sportswoman could give Annie Oakley a run for her money.
When you are deer hunting in bear country, it pays to have an extra tag on hand just in case you see a bear. At least that is what Chelsea Mullins believed when she ventured out deer hunting one day in West Virginia. As the story goes, she and her boyfriend stalked a black bear on a hillside. The wind was right and it didn’t know they were there. Realizing how big of a bear it was, she steadied her 7mm magnum rifle and took the shot. She then tagged her third bear.
“Both the bears I’d shot before weighed less than 300 pounds,” Mullins said in an interview. “If I was going to kill another one, I wanted it to be at least 300.”
For this bear though, 300 pounds was an easy benchmark. Weighing out to 489.6 pounds, it would be a big black bear just about anywhere.
Mullins plans to get a full standing body mount done. She’s also having the skull measured for possible entry into the Boone and Crockett registry for trophy bears.
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