I was surfin’ around the interwebs about a year ago and saw a headline that caught my eye:
Thunder Bay lawyer says FOI request for fishing spot is without merit
I will not copy and paste the story, but if you want to read it all you can HERE.
What it said was there was a guy that paddled into some provincial park up in Canada and did a story on the big brook trout he caught there. After seeing the story, and since the provincial park used it as promotional material, some other angler filed a “freedom of information” request to find out exactly where the guy was fishing!
Here is the picture that ran in the newspaper,

I might even file a “freedom of information” request to find out where to catch a brookie that big!
Anywho, the dateline on the story was almost exactly a year ago, and at that time no one was going to comply with the “freedom of information” request. However, it said an appeal was possible! I do not know, maybe the whole case is still working its way through the courts in Canada? Eh?
That just goes to show the lengths that some anglers will go to discover someone’s hot spot. Oh believe me, I have had more than one spot burned almost overnight after word got out or a few pictures got flashed around. Am I so paranoid as to blur the backgrounds in photographs? You bet I am! In addition, I have positioned owls, wild hogs, ticks, mosquitoes, itch-mites, rattlesnakes, mountain loins, and sasquatch around all of my best spots. Look close, you might even see them in my photos.
Don’t know what I am going to do if there is ever a “freedom of information request” for one of my spots?
Come to think of it, all fishermen are liars except you and me, and sometimes I wonder about you!
Have a great weekend, GO FISH! Keep it a secret.
If you see this sign, you are getting close!
The post Wow, Now the Internet Scouts Have Gone Too Far! appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.