These are the best 3D archery targets you can buy.
When it comes to bowhunting, practice makes perfect. The best bowhunters practice all summer long in the heat with their recurve or compound to make sure when the moment of truth arrives, they’ll be ready.
The best way to practice for that moment is with animal targets rather than bag targets because it helps you better visualize the moment. Gear like this also just makes target practice more fun!
There are plenty of 3D targets on the market, but we’ve done the research and figured out which ones are probably most deserving of your hard-earned money.
Field Logic GlenDel Full Rut Buck 3D Archery Target

This one is a little pricey at $250, but it gets great reviews for durability and the size of the target, which Field Logic says is comparable to a 150-inch, 300-pound whitetail.
The midsection is easily replaceable and comes with an overlay of vital organs so you can see just how effective your groups are. The Glendel Buck is made to stop both field tips and broadheads, although we’ve noticed some people online saying arrows are difficult to remove if you’re shooting heavier draw weights from compound bows.
Delta Archer’s Choice Real-World Buck 3D Target

This target features realistic exposed vital areas that will really help you to visualize where to aim on your hunt.
You’ll instantly know if your hit was a kill shot to the lungs or an unfortunate non-vital hit to the shoulder blade.
This target is a little bit on the smaller side, but the good thing about that is it will make the kill zone seem huge by comparison on a full-size deer. Another interesting feature is a swivel base that allows the target to turn when hit. This means you can practice shooting from multiple angles without physically moving the target yourself. It sells for around $130.
Carbon Express Shooter Buck

This deer target is again, slightly smaller than a real whitetail. But it gets points for the realism. This target features a replaceable midsection that can stand up to both compounds and crossbows.
Probably the best part of this target is the price point. At only $90, it’s a good way for archers on a budget to start getting more realistic with their practice.
Rinehart Targets Woodland Buck Target

Rinehart Targets have a pretty good reputation for durability and this 3D deer target is a nice mid-priced option at around $150. It’s decently realistic looking, and at least one Amazon review I read mentioned the thing was attacked by a real deer when it was left out. It also features a replaceable midsection. Some reviews mentioned arrows are slightly hard to remove, so you might consider an arrow removal tool.
Rinehart Woodland Strutting Turkey Target

Practicing with 3D isn’t just important for deer hunters. Turkeys have sharp eyesight and it is vital to practice the movements of raising and drawing your bow stealthily.
This turkey decoy will help you do that. Much like the Rinehart deer target this one gets points for being realistic, but complaints are that arrows are difficult to remove.
Delta McKenzie Aim Rite Bear

I’ve owned a Delta target for years myself. It’s a deer target, but I can tell you these targets hold up very well.
This is a mid-priced target for bear hunters to hone their skills in preparation for their next hunt or for someone who just wants to add a little more variety to their home 3D course. Bear targets can be pretty pricey, but this one is reasonable at $170.
Delta Howling Coyote

This is another staple of 3D archery courses everywhere. Predators can be quite challenging to bowhunt, which is why it pays to practice. The howling coyote is reasonably priced at $110 and is pretty realistic looking. In fact, I’ve read about people using these targets for double duty keeping unwanted pest birds and other small animals out of their yards!
Morrell Bionic Buck II

Morrell is a company that is better known for their block targets than their 3D ones. In fact, the company only makes a select few 3D style targets. The Bionic Buck is one of them.
This one features multiple kill zones and a zany, non-typical rack to help you better visualize drawing your bow on the deer of a lifetime. This is a good option if you like practicing with broadheads over field points because this target is set up to take that kind of abuse. It could also probably be used as a quality crossbow target. The downside? It’s pricey at $250.
Delta Pro 3D Elk Target

If you’re looking for one of the biggest targets you can buy for the ultimate 3D course, you’ve found it.
This huge target weighs over 400 pounds, so you’d best get some help setting it up. If you’re going to be serious about bowhunting elk, this is a good way to prepare. This is one expensive target, though. It goes from $1,200-1,800 depending on where you buy it.
Carbon Express 3D Hog

Feral hogs are tough, mean animals. Before you tackle one of these with a bow, you’d best put the time in at the archery range. This target is representative of a smaller-sized hog, but when one of those bigger pigs shows up, it will just make the shot all the easier. This target also comes with a good price point of around $75.
For more outdoor content from Travis Smola, be sure to follow him on Twitter and check out his Geocaching and Outdoors with Travis Youtube channels.
The post The Best 3D Archery Targets appeared first on Wide Open Spaces.