At the banquet James Keller, announced the J.J. Keller Foundation would be issuing a private foundation grant to the FAF for 2018 of $10,000 and that their private family foundation would be adding an additional $5,000 grant. These generous donations and the donation Richard Lowe of Lowe Manufacturing recently contributed to the FAF for use in 2018, combined with the funds raised at the banquet sets the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization up to accomplish its goal in the coming year: increasing participation in the sport of fishing.
“We’re teaching thousands of new participants each year about the thrill and fun of sportfishing,” said Pat Neu, President of FAF. “This record fundraiser gives us a great start for our 2018 fundraising efforts.” In 2017, the FAF in support of the NPAA and other partner programs impacted over 15,000 youth and adult attendees by exposing and educating them about the sport of recreational fishing.
“The support during the conference and banquet for “Creating New Anglers” from the industry, professional anglers and their families was the best ever according to Robert “Nick” Schmal, FAF Executive Director.
In addition to Neu as President and Schmal as Executive Director, the FAF board includes Al Lindner, Jeff Marble, Kristine Houtman, Dr. Philip Moy and Robert Blosser. These sportfishing industry leaders are anxious to broaden the participation base of anglers through education and outreach. With a strong connection to dedicated hardcore anglers, the FAF puts boots on the ground with a hands-on, grass roots approach. The mission is to:
Provide learning materials and fishing equipment to support FAF-supported events
Help to coordinate volunteers to host how to educational fishing events and seminars
Build sportfishing industry support for the hands-on, grassroots efforts of FAF supported volunteer organizations
Help to pair volunteers with venues like National and State Parks and Forests and Federal/State Wildlife areas
Assist volunteers in developing programs with school systems and community park and recreation programs to bring angling into curriculums
The Future Angler Foundation is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. Corporate contributions, personal donations and grants help solidify new anglers, securing the sportfishing participant base for years to come. Compared to other nonprofits, the FAF is focused on working with volunteers to introducing new anglers to a fishing experience and educating them on the skills they need to catch fish and how to take care of the fishery-work important to the sportfishing industry’s future.
Check out our website at www.futureangler.org or email Pat Neu, President at info@futureangler.org. Like us on FACEBOOK at FutureAnglerFoundation Facebook Page
Future Angler Foundation (FAF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in November of 2013.
The post Future Angler Foundation News appeared first on ODU Magazine-North America’s #1 Digital Fishing Magazine.