Congratulations to Milko Marchetti for winning the recent Backlight And Silhouettes Assignment with the image, “Great reed warbler.”
“This photo was taken in the area of the Po Delta Park,” says Marchetti. “I am from Ferrara (Italy) and live near the area, which I visit almost daily and photograph. It was taken a few years ago, in 2005, from the car sunroof, which I often use as an excellent mobile camouflage shed. The Great reed warbler (‘Cannareccione’ in Italian language) is a very elusive species, because it lives in the thick of the reeds. It arrives from Africa to Italy at the beginning of April and remains throughout the reproduction period, and it is during this ‘Love’ period that it is easier to photograph. His continuous and powerful song for the search of the female and for the definition of the territory comes from the thick of the reed where it is almost impossible to see it. However, the technique he uses is to climb slowly towards the top of the barrel to which he is clinging as he sings aloud. Just look at which cane moves and wait, and the ‘cannareccione’ will appear and can be observed and photographed in its fantastic and continuous ‘grigri grogro gragra.’ The hot sunset light has made the picture with the silhouette of the subject in the reeds that surround it.”
Canon EOS 20D, Canon 300mm f/2.8 + 1.4x. Exposure: 1/2500 sec, f/7.1, ISO 100.
See more of Milko Marchetti’s photography at www.milkomarchetti.com and https://500px.com/milkomarchetti, and follow him on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.
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